
An Experience

Inugenix Power and Renewable Energy Limited was founded in 2017 by Engineer Inu Ismail and duly
registered under the Nigeria Corporate Affairs Commission to provide solutions for power supply challenges in homes, companies and commercial businesses through renewable energy.

What is the Focus?

The focus is on affordable and clean energy development, management, cost saving, safer and carbon dioxide-fee environments. Inugenix combines the expertise of energy consultants, environmental managers, policy makers, energy managers and auditors, industry leaders and academia to innovate and solve Nigeria’s most daring energy challenges.

We are keenly determined to solve the power challenges facing numerous homes and businesses

What you Need To Know About Our Products And Services

The value of experience and professional know-how cannot be overestimated. These are part of the reason we only offer high-quality and durable products and services that are also affordable to our clients and customers.

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